Irrigation water
Qualitatively premium irrigation water is essential for the greenhouse horticulture: crops will not grow if they do not receive water regularly. In places where there is a limited quantity of fresh water available, we are working on the development of collective systems for the supply of irrigation water.
Then contact us.
How do we make irrigation water?
We use sustainable solutions that best fit the situation. We, for instance, collaborate with different partners, such water authorities and Greenhouse Horticulture (Glastuinbouw) Nederland. Together we upgrade purified waste water and realise reuse. Quality, low costs and high sustainability are key when doing this.
Benefits of irrigation water
The certainty of qualitatively good and sufficient irrigation water is valuable for the continuity of the business operation. Although the costs of water are relatively low, the added value is high.
Will you opt for agricultural water of Evides Industrial water? The you will participate in the development of new, future-oriented solutions for the greenhouse horticulture.
Do you use irrigation water instead of drinking water or local brackish groundwater? Then you contribute to an as efficient as possible water cycle.